Non-monogamy describes the variety of relationship frameworks we can have beyond traditional monogamy: aka two people who commit to romantic and sexual exclusivity with only each other.
Non-monogamy can include polyamory, swinging, short-term hook-ups or relationships, creating a "throuple" or a three-person romantic or sexual relationship, or multiple other ways of constructing intimate partnerships.
In the past few years, the conversation about creatively exploring the role of partnership, sex and romance in our lives has grown. And so, many more people are becoming curious about non-monogamy.
Unfortunately, would-be non-monogamous couples still face societal stigma and a lack of expert information about how to safely, respectfully and joyfully pursue non-monogamy.
As someone who has been in a non-monogamous relationship since 2018, my primary partner and I greatly benefitted from consulting with a knowledgeable therapist with both professional and personal expertise for navigating early non-monogamy.
Many couples who are pursuing non-monogamy don't need relationship counseling as much as they need some education, an opportunity to ask questions, and a knowledgeable resource to turn to for help working through the hard spots.
With this in mind, I'm excited to offer a new consultation package for 2022: Intro to Non-monogamy.
Each consulting package includes:
(1) 30-min Non-Monogamy 101 Education session
We'll get to know one another, and I'll introduce you to some of the basics of non-monogamy and best practices for keeping your primary relationship healthy.
(1) 45-min Personalized Consulting session
We'll look at you and your partner's specific fears, concerns, questions and obstacles. You'll leave the session with skills and tools for addressing your partnership's specific needs. ​
(1) 45-min Tune Up session
Once you dive into non-monogamy, you may run into a recurring conflict or pain point. Tune-up sessions allows you and your partner to vent your fears and frustrations with a skilled facilitator to help you troubleshoot the tough spots.
Lifetime access to my library of online non-monogamy materials including research, best practices, exercises, worksheets and tools to help you on your non-monogamy journey.
Couples in relationship therapy usually need at least 6 sessions minimum to arrive at a place that feels secure. At my lowest fee relationship fee offering, that would be $900 minimum. Consultation is a better option for the low-conflict couple who wants some expert support in navigating this new chapter of their relationship.
(3) Consultations & Lifetime Access to E-Learning: $440
Additional Tune-Up Sessions: $150 per 45-min session
Access to E-Learning Only: $90
intro to non-monogamy